Burkhalter Law – Why Every Business Owner Needs a Shareholders’ Agreement: Insights and Essentials

If you’ve incorporated a business with multiple shareholders or are planning to, consider establishing a Shareholders’ Agreement. This agreement can shift some powers from the board of directors to the shareholders, creating a framework for [...]

2024-08-28T16:16:46+00:00August 28th, 2024|Business, Business Litigation, Contracts, Shareholders Agreement|Comments Off on Burkhalter Law – Why Every Business Owner Needs a Shareholders’ Agreement: Insights and Essentials

Burkhalter Law – Mastering Retainage: Insights for Contractors

In the construction industry, managing cash flow can be unnerving, especially with upfront costs and delayed payments. Retainage practices further complicate matters, potentially impacting contractors' financial stability. At @Burkhalter Law, we're committed to educating our [...]

2024-08-21T15:13:12+00:00August 21st, 2024|Construction|Comments Off on Burkhalter Law – Mastering Retainage: Insights for Contractors

Burkhalter Law – Why Hiring an Attorney is Essential When Starting Your Business

Starting a business is exciting yet daunting, with challenges and uncertainties that require legal protection. A skilled attorney can offer value in many areas, such as: Choosing the Right Business Structure: The right structure prevents [...]

2024-08-14T16:08:50+00:00August 14th, 2024|Business, Business Planning|Comments Off on Burkhalter Law – Why Hiring an Attorney is Essential When Starting Your Business

Burkhalter Law – Choosing the Best Business Entity for You

Deciding on the right business entity is crucial for your new venture, as it impacts taxes, liability, management, and long-term success. Each type offers Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), Corporation, each with their [...]

2024-08-07T14:08:36+00:00August 7th, 2024|Business|Comments Off on Burkhalter Law – Choosing the Best Business Entity for You
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